Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tiny roads + huge buses + cranky people behind + unforgiving wrong turns = Karen running into stuff

So, the day started off lovely. We got going just the right time, and were making great time. I even felt confident enough to put on some music. It was going beautifully until we got off the motorway and onto the little streets. Really little streets. Like, barely big enough for one car, and two are supposed to fit on there. Not only that, but both sides were lined with hedges sticking straight up from the curbs. And then there were the buses. Huge tour buses that needed to go the other way. And trucks. Then, Bruce tells me to turn left. So, I turn left. Unfortunately, it was the wrong street. I end up way out who knows where, in a teeny village. So, I hit a curb. Oops. By now, I'm quite frustrated. I end up back on the tiny hedge lined roads, with angry people behind me. So, I have to actually drive faster than 20. Damn. I have to pull off into so many hedges, it's not even funny. I could hear the branches scratching the car. SCREECH!!! Damn. Well, at least I didn't hit any cars.

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